Collection of experiments and talks I've given.


WebVR Virtual Reality for Browsers

slides [en] Presented at JAX 2016 - Mayence. Examples

Web APIs The web becomes more "native" JAX 2015

slides [en] Presented at JAX 2015 - Mayence. Examples (same as in munich...)

Web APIs The web becomes more "native"

slides [en] Presented at Mobiletech Conference 2015 - Munich. Examples

Web APIs Expand what the web can do...

slides [en] Presented at code.talks 2014. Examples

Firefox OS a (mobile) web developers dream!

slides [en] Presented at Developer Week 2014.

Mozilla Brick Stack your App with Web Components

slides [en] Presented at Usergroup Frontend Rhein-Main.

Firefox OS an overview

slides [en] Presented at mUXCamp Worm 2014.

Traceur - Now!

slides [en] Presented at RheinMainJS April 2014.

Firefox OS oder warum ich finde, dass es aus Web-Entwicklersicht cool ist!

slides [de] Presented at Barcamp Rhein-Main 2013 and Developer Camp Karlsruhe 2014


Frontal Sinus

A simple game I've written when I was sick at home having frontal sinusitis.

Use WASD to control your tank and shoot antibiotics with SPACE to neutralize the green slimey things. Beware: You can not "win", survive as long as possible!

Hint: Collect new medipacks to be sure you don't run out of ammo.

Ambi Lander

My #altctrl gamejam entry.


My #gbjam 3 entry.

X-Countdown web component

A Web Component for a simple countdown

X-Camera web component

A Web Component for accessing your (web)camera using getUserMedia


A simple Flappy Bird clone where the birds are the tubes...? Works also on a mobile and should scale up.